Hygiene and safety protocol
Dear visitors,
The Management and the staff of our company notify you of a very specific hygiene and cleaning protocol that follows, according to the guidance of the World Health Organization and national public health organization.
You will find all the details below on how to welcome you and what standards we will all follow together to have a healthy and unforgettable vacation in Crete.
So we present you our Action Plan:
1) Check in - Check out
- The check -in will take place in the open space of the house from 16:00 onwards and the check -out until 11:00 to ensure that between different customers the house will be thorougly cleaned and disinfected, as well as that a sufficient physicist is followed space ventilation.
- All the guests have to hand over the Villa Home Owner a filled health status questionnaire & personal affirmation document/ form.
- The keys are disinfected before delivery to the customer, who must place them in a special container for disinfection on the day of departure.
- An antiseptic is available for the use by the customer at the entrance of the accomodation.
2) Room cleaning
- Maintaining a cleaning and disinfection program, according to the circular of the Ministry of Health "Measures of cleaning and disinfection in places and surfaces during the evolution of the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2".
- Thorough cleaninf of rooms before your arrival and the same strict cleaning protocols will apply when changing each visitor.
- The most commonly used areas, such as bathrooms, and most appliances such as TV remote controls, knobs and electric switches receive special attention and disinfection.
- Disinfection of curtain and fabric surfaces with steam cleaner (temperature > 70 °C) before each visitor arrives.
- During check-in, you will choose whether to change the sheets/ towels and clean the room according to the regular schedule (every 3 days) or only on your request.
- The maid who is responsible for the cleanliness of your accomodation will always wear a mask, gloves and before entering your space she will disinfect her shoes.
- Accommodation must be vacant during cleaning / disinfection.
3) Swimming pool cleaning
• Regular cleaning and disinfection according to the circular of the Ministry of Health "Cleaning and disinfection measures in areas and surfaces during the development of the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2"
• Proper operation and maintenance of chlorination systems in accordance with current legislation.
• PH setting: pH values in the water of recreational water installations should be maintained within the limits provided by current legislation. Regular measurement and maintenance of pH recording files every eight hours during the operation of swimming pools.
4) Visit non-residents
Research prohibiting the access of non-residents to our parcels is prohibited.
5) Shared areas
We are in a happy position to mention that there are no shared areas at our location because each villa is private. In addition, the only shared recreational area for young children will not operate for the 2020 season. This additional measure was taken in order to ensure the maximum safety of our visitors.
6)The occasion of a covid 19 - case in our area
In the event of a suspicious COVID-19 case in one of our accommodations, we will immediately work with the relevant health authorities to report the incident and receive guidance on the steps to be taken for both visitors and our staff.
We undertake the accommodation recovery protocol designed to disinfect everything in the accommodation as well as the surrounding area that we know was the visitor during his stay.
The Management and all our staff are constantly on alert with the announcements of the World Health Organization on coronavirus (COVID-19) and are working on a daily basis to ensure that they meet the latest guidelines for hygiene and cleaning by the competent authorities. The health and safety measures of our accommodation are designed to deal with a wide range of viruses, including COVID-19.
We have always followed the standards of hygiene and cleanliness and of course we continue to take all measures to ensure the safety of our visitors and our staff. We have the Certification regarding the taking of preventive measures of the COVID-19 pandemic by accredited certification bodies like the Ministry of Tourism: Certificate Signal entitled "Health First" and the Center for Training and Lifelong Learning of the University of Crete entitled “Training in the health protocols of the tourism industry for COVID-19” from the Medical School of the University of Crete.
We are very proud of the entire team of Agios Antonios Villas that in these unprecedented circumstances displays a very high level of individual, social and professional responsibility and we especially appreciate every visitor who honors us with his presence in our facilities.
Yours sincerely,
Konstantinos Deligiorgis
Please fill in the age of kids at the date of arrival...
*This Property can't accommodate more than kids.
*This Property can't accommodate more than Adults.